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Emilia Baunach

Week 1

Prior to the first semester starting I suggested to the group to use Discord as a way to organize our work and communicate at the same time, as what we all have learned from previous group projects is that it is tedious to look for files in a Facebook Messenger group chat. I broke the server into three main categories that included both a voice channel to have discussions in and to upload files - script, art and animation, programming, music, and user testing.

Over the Christmas break, we planned a rough draft plan of what we would be doing throughout the semester making the game. It was roughly estimated because there was always the possibility of some of us changing modules due to unforeseen clashes, but so far there hasn't been the case (with the exception of a few changes in seminar times).

Also during the break, Genevieve has started on the script and I have been reading up on the functions of INK and ways to implement it in Unity.

Now that the semester has started, I have started working on the main menu using a sample main menu background provided by Aoife. I referred to a tutorial to refresh my memory on some of the Unity fundamentals, which included ways to make buttons functional and transition from objects (in this case, transition between the main menu object and the settings object and vice versa). Below is the main menu in action:-

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