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Emilia Baunach

Week 10 (part 2)

Updated: May 7, 2020

While working on the state machine for day 3, I realized that having one large state machine was not efficient, as mistakes could be easily be made with how complex the web was becoming. Initially, I had the state machine encompass all the days because it would be easier to add the variables (that would calculate the number of times doEssay was pressed) into the state machine. Now that was no longer the case, I decided to break the days and their states into separate Unity scenes. Also, I learned that it was best practice to create a separate gameObject (which I called "SceneManager") where the PlayMaker state machine was stored.

I also completely scrapped Bolt from the project now that I know how to add transitions between scenes in the state machines.

Another 'best practice' I implemented for myself was to change the naming system I had for the transitions (the buttons) from a number system to having the names be that of the button names (such as goHome or doEssay), as I noticed especially in day 4 that there were a lot of choices to cover and a number system could be confusing especially when looking for errors in the state machine.

Going with my idea of for the final state machines in day 5, I decided to pad out the days with more choices so that it properly reflected the endings, such as having a consequence for either working on the essay in Starbucks (instead of going to the lecture) or leaving the essay as it is and buying yourself a coffee. Because both versions (good/bad) of day 5 had more than three endings, I decided for my sanity's sake to add the endings under their respective days under a new gameObject parent (titled 'Endings'), and the flow in the scene the same way as the other text/image objects controlled by the state machine.

When we had a group meeting earlier in the week to see how progress was going, I suggested probably using a polished version of the very first mockup that Aoife created for the ending as it would make sense (and be a bit meta too) that the results be shown on a computer.

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