The final thing to do now is to add animations to the game. I had already learned how the dotTween asset worked and after applying the right animation style for text and buttons respectively, I had to apply that to the rest of the text and buttons in the following days. The process was essentially adding the dotTween animation on the text, and then add a dotTween animation on the buttons where the delay (when they would appear on screen)would be dependent on how long the text animation is.
Fortunately, Unity has a copy function that allows me to paste the component as a new component in a gameObject (without me having to physically create the component) so that saved me some time. While it was a long process and this could have been avoided if I added the animations right when I was working on creating the Day 1 scene, again it was just a matter of timing for me finding and learning about this animation asset. While working day 2 I realized that from here there would be more text and so a general 'one size fits all' timing for the animations would not work. After tweaking the animations and replaying them on the Unity editor, I came up with a pattern/ratio of sorts in finding the right animation timing for the texts
The last set of animations to do was between the 'scenes' in the day. While there was an option to do this in Playmaker, it involved creating an animator component in the gameObjects (which in it of itself is like a mini state-machine). I opted for the dotTween method instead because there was a greater variety in animations to choose from alongside more options to tweak around like delay and timing.
Below is the video of all the animations coming together when a new day is played :-