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Emilia Baunach

Week 2

While waiting for the background images from Aoife I started working on the Day 1 Scene, starting by downloading the Ink Unity Integration so that the Ink files could be compiled and be used within Unity. I used a rough draft of the Day 1 script from Genevieve as she was finding a way to link the choices made in Day 1 to the Day 2 script. In the meantime, I followed a step by step tutorial on INK and how to implement it to unity via a script. This took some time to grasp, but in the end, I got a script working where Unity would go create each paragraph by creating a text and button component configured to that paragraph. The paragraph would then be destroyed when a next paragraph loads when a choice button is clicked (called a 'child') and this process will continue until all paragraphs in the Ink file have been exhausted. Below is the code courtesy of the tutorial I used:-

With that in place, all I needed to do was add a button prefab and the ink file to the script that was now a component of the GameManager. I created a simple button and text prefab for the script but I soon realized that there were some formatting issues as the buttons for the choices were overlapping with the overall story from the ink file. Hopefully, the tutorial series I have been reading will have an answer to this question

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